The new Joanna Newsom album is out, and in buying it toady I took one more step towards brokedom. Willingly. The packaging and sleeve art is insanely beautiful. I hadn't even realised it was out. I got magpie eyes for it when its inclusion on the Piccadilly Records rack took me unawares. If you weren't blessed enough to hear her classic second record 'Ys', you should totally listen to it. I went to see her a few years ago, complete with orchestra, and it was fucking amazing. For those who found the first record too quirky (a judgment that I don't understand subjectively, but can objectively understand sorta), the second is a much more accomplished affair. As I said with Jesca Hoop, its probably best just to listen to it. My descriptive skills are pretty poor comparatively and language is too inherently impoverished anyhow. I can't wait to listen to when the the flat's empty so i can turn the sound up to eleven, etc.
Ten Bears

My good friends and recipients of my religiously devoted fandom Ten Bears directed me to their myspace to listen to their new song today. Those guys rock so much. Their new song is totally different to the other more guitar-based music but, all lazyjournalismtotallymissingthepoint 'move over Lady Gaga' jokes that will inevitably come up aside, its a really strong song with an arrangement I really didn't expect and I think its great . They're one of my favourite bands in Manchester, really lovely guys and additionally have the best and most beautifully ridiculous, insane youtube channel of any band in the world.

Forgot to mention yesterday the other gig I have coming up supporting Paper Boats at Hope Mill in Manchester. There's a very purdy poster up for it. Hope Mill was renovated by my mates Rick, who used to play drums with me in the doomed Fear Of Music and Aaron, who plays under the pseudonym Petty Thief and is another one of my favourite songwriters in Manchester. That boy is true blue. Its a really great venue and it promises to be a really fun show.
I sent the rough mix of the Parsons track to First Aid Kit today to a generally enthused response alongside a polite mention that I got the last lyric wrong ('and tomorrow we may still be there' sung 'and tomorrow we will still be there'), which obviously neglects the whole fucken point of the song, so i'll have to do the whole thing over tomorrow. I'm kinda glad that I have a second chance to do it even better, because I know that their contribution will be worthy of the best take I can possibly do. At the very least, it'll be worthy of the right lyrics.
Lurve from
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