Sunday, 28 February 2010

New Demo The First!

Hey all,

Liam and I have spent a day hanging out and making demos. I'm getting a lot done writing wise at the minute and I thought it would be a cool idea to make them available on the blog. They're all pretty rough, imperfect and full of weird mistakes and gliches but I like that in a recording, as I've said before, and I think they serve as great early representations of the song. I'm probably going to put them up gradually, with the aim being to post about two a week (but don't hold me to it. I'm no robot), so as not to spoil you or overdo it.

This song has actually been around for a bit. Liam is playing mandola on it and he did most of the mixing. We had a good time and we talked in a pretty non committal way about doing a recording session every weekend. Its good just to do something creative that isn't totally insular.

Well, enjoy.

The Maiden Name Demo 28/02/2010 by Jo Rose

The other one will probably be up in a few days. I have a few tweaks to make on it.

We also recorded the guide track and my vocal for a cover of the Gram Parsons song 'A Song For You' which First Aid Kit will have added vocals and hopefully more (I'm holding out for some of Johanna's organ playing, too) by the time its done, which is immensely exciting for me, what with those guys rocking and everything.

Moreover, I've booked another couple of shows. One is in London on the 17th. I'll be playing at the union chapel with the Miserable Rich that afternoon. I think I've already mentioned the potential full-band set on the 8th of April at the deaf-institute supporting the Paris Riots. I'm feeling tentative about promising it, but it almost certainly will happen. I'll keep y'all informed. Also, on the 18th of March, I'm doing a solo show at the bay horse in the Northern Quarter with Films supporting. Its going to be pretty twee. I've been told there will be cake and live painting, so don't expect a riot or anything, but it should be pretty good if you're strung out on downers or something and need somewhere to sit down.




  1. Hey man I really like this new demo. I've also really enjoyed Rebecca since the first time I heard it.


  2. Thanks man. I'm glad you were into it. Its nice to have a forum to share stuff with people while i'm still in the process of figuring out what to do with it and it means a lot that you dug it, especially since i'm a little insecure about publishing stuff that's rough around the edges.

