But that's just an aside. The real purpose of this blog is to spread the good word about the new love & disaster EP (1) that i have been lucky enough to have been offered a place in next to some bands who i really admire and think are way awesome. The EP has been released by a longtime buddy, Dan Parrott, who i owe an awful lot to now. Off the back of this, i've got my first airplay, sessions and press. Its been a great project to be involved in.
Anyhow, i'm gonna stop rambling and get to the ulterior motive i have here. The EP was released on Monday. You can get the very pretty 10 inch vinyl from picadilly records here:
Or, if you have too much stuff, download it digitally from 7 digital here and save the shelf space, whilst only slightly reducing your hard disk space:
Also, on a slightly unrelated, but still sorta related note, I did my first radio session since i broke with fear of music on Tuesday for XFM. It was a whole lot of fun and the guys at the station got a really good sound. It will air this coming Sunday from 10pm-12 as part of the razorcuts thing on all the XFM stations. Is that just London and Manchester or has they expanded their territory? In any case, its on all the stations. I just like repeating that because it makes me feel important.
More soon,